Stop Poisoning Your Marriage


One day, a man, who discovered his wife was cheating on him, came to my dad for advice. My dad said, “She may have been 99% wrong, but can you find one thing you’ve done wrong?” He said, “No, I was the perfect husband.” That man’s marriage was destroyed, and he remained bitter.

A poison is “a substance with an inherent property to destroy life.” Unforgiveness is the poison that destroyed his life and many others. The cure is simply to forgive. Holding on to bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. You’re only hurting yourself and destroying your marriage.

“Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry” (Ephesians 4:26b). It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong. Don’t let pride keep you from peace. End the argument quickly by apologizing and choosing to forgive.

1 Corinthians 13:5 says that love keeps no records of wrong. Jesus has cast our sins as far as the East is from the West, and He will never remember them again. When we forgive our spouse, we should never bring up the wrong again.

Another man, whose wife cheated on him on their 10th wedding anniversary, also came to my dad for advice. The man had tears in his eyes, and my dad really didn’t know what to say. Finally, he asked, “Do you love her?” The man said yes. He said, “She’s probably embarrassed and ashamed. Go home, hug her, and tell her that you love her.” The man did that, and his marriage was completely restored.

Love is a choice, not a feeling. The poison of bitterness will destroy life, but when we choose to forgive as we have been forgiven, our marriages will be filled with life.

2 thoughts on “Stop Poisoning Your Marriage

  1. I don’t think people really look down on young marriage – anybody who spends five minutes in a modern American church can plainly see that marriage is absolutely everything. But what does your blog have to offer those of us who were twenty and single, twenty-five and single, thirty and single, etc.?


    • Hello Jamie,

      You’re right! Many churches support young marriage. However, from my experience, most people outside of church look down on it. This blog isn’t really about singleness, but being single is good too since a single person only needs to worry about pleasing God! The apostle Paul talked about how he wished everyone had this gift as he did.


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